-:- intro -:-
Thank you for visiting this blogger installation website of mine. This is the personal biography section of this attempt at a multifaceted blog, however, as you can imagine it is a little difficult to write a biography of oneself, yet still have it sound as though it was written by another, although in actuality it isn't such a difficult thing to give the particulars of my life and youth and so forth.
So first and foremost I'd like to thank you for visiting this blog at all, and really do look forward to any comments and such that you might have to give regarding the different items that I've written. you'll find that I'm quite receptive to intelligent banter and adult conversations, however, you'll also learn quite quickly that I have absolutely zero tolerance for the verbal vomit with an abstolute absence of coherent proof or thought.
In the meantime! I'll try my best to give an objective, narrative to the events of my life, and growth and history, for your consumpition; however, I hope to avoid the standard modus operandum of a CV or resume, as it isn't my intention to sell myself at all, to anyone, for any reason.
For the rest? God bless you :)